2011was an eventful CSR year for PANDORA. Entering into
2011, we haddeveloped our Group values, establishedour
CSR organisation governed by a cross-functional CSR com-
mittee, and joinedThe Responsible JewelleryCouncil and
UnitedNationsGlobal Compact. In2011, we dedicatedour
efforts todeveloping and testing a rangeof newCSRpolicies
and supporting programmes.We have done sowith the
clear aim of having the entire PANDORAGroup certified
on its responsible business practices during 2012.
Building on the solid foundation of fairness and crafts-
manshipwe inherited fromour founding fathers, PANDORA
spent 2011 strengthening and systematising our efforts to
advancing responsible business practices inour own opera-
tions aswell as in the entire jewellery industry. In practical
terms, 2011was the year wherewe developed and tested
our CSR policies, procedures andpropermindset that will
help us to achieve our vision of becoming theworld’smost
recognised jewellery brand.
The 2011CSR report covers PANDORA’s CSR achieve-
ments between1 January 2011 and 31December 2011.
While our 2010CSR report defined the playing field for
CSR at PANDORA and gave amore detailed description
of our responsible crafting facilities inThailand, the 2011
report provides an in-depth description of our CSR Supplier
Programme defining our expectations towards our suppliers.
2011was the year where PANDORA outlined the
roadmap towards becoming a fully sustainable jewellery
company. However, we acknowledge that we are still facing
a number of challengeswhennavigating towards this goal.
Therefore, PANDORA’s 2011CSRReport is also an invitation
for our stakeholders to engagewithus, bring ideas to the
table or raise concerns.