PANDORA continues to benefit from the enthusiasm and
skills of more than 5,000 employees around theworld.
While all our people and entities are equally important,
we have once again decided to pay special focus to our
responsiblebusiness practices in the craftingof our jewellery,
all of which takes place inThailand. Asmentioned in last
year’s CSRReport, we operate in full compliancewithThai
regulations, the International LabourOrganisation’s core
conventions aswell aswithour own firm commitment to
providing soundworking conditions, attractive employment
terms and a range of social andwelfare benefits for our
more than 3,600Thai employees and their families.
PANDORA’s jewellery crafting takes place inmodern and
safe facilities within an industrial estate near Bangkok,
Thailand. Here, we are subject to specific requirements and
regular audits from authoritieswithin Safety, Health and
the Environment (SHE).We operatewith a fully integrated
SHE organisation that enables us to continuously strengthen
and systematise our performance on all three issueswithin
a common setup. All new employees are introduced to the
SHE organisation as part of ourThai inductionprogramme
that ensures a thorough and engaging introduction to PAN-
DORA values and operating practices relating toquality,
health, safety and the environment. Also, we have a com-
prehensive, externally audited annual training plan ensuring
that existing staff are kept up to date on relevant SHE issues
and procedures.
PANDORA is highlycommitted topreventingworkplace
accidents.Wedefineanaccident as any incident that leads
toanemployeebeingabsent for oneormoreworkingdays.
With theexpertiseandcommitment of our SHE teamand
theengagement andcooperationof our colleagueswe saw
a reduction in thenumber of accidents fromnine in2010 to
five in2011. Similarly,weachieveda reduction in lost time
throughaccident from47mandays in2010 to37mandays in
2011.Thenumber of incidentswhich requiredmedical treat-
ment, but didnot lead toabsence, fell from64 in2010 to27
On the rare occasion that an accident occurs, the SHE
department specialists, together with employee representa-
tives and employeeswithin the respective departments,
will assess the cause, document andpublish the incident
internally and implementing corrective actions. Our col-
leagues’ primary focus, however, is farmore pro-active and