PANDORA complieswith the core conventions on labour
rights as defined by the International LabourOrganisation
(ILO).We recognise the right to freedom of association
and collective bargaining.We strictly oppose forced and
bonded labour, child labour anddiscrimination in any form.
Measures to ensure compliancewith the ILO conventions
are incorporated in allThai procedures.
Reflecting the general age composition inThailand, we
have a high percentage of young staff with the youngest be-
ing 19 years of age.We employ comparable percentages of
male and female staff up to the level of director, andwage
rates andmeasures are consistent across gender. Being a
production facility, directors aremainly hired on technical
qualifications and experience. Here, we have found that the
pool of qualified candidates inThailand still predominantly
consists of men. As part of our strategic approach to succes-
sion planning, all managers are regularly assessed against
transparent quantitative aswell as qualitative indicators. In
2011, we delivered a comprehensive programme of leader-
ship training for our entiremanagement and supervisory
team to support their continued development.With this,
and other related development and career path initiatives
currently under way, we expect the pool of female candi-
dates suitable for executivemanagement positions to further
expand in the future.
The growth that PANDORA has experienced over the past
decade has been accompanied by a highdegree of over-
time at ourThai crafting facilities.We haveworked hard
to reduce overtime by optimising processes, opening new
facilities and hiringmore staff.Thus, since 2005we have
grown from 380 employees to 3,632 employees by the end
of 2011.These efforts havemade it feasible to achieve our
goal of reducing overtime. As discussed inmore detail in
last year’s CSR report, overtime is always voluntary and
compensated competitively by industry standards. Con-
sequently, reducing overtime has had a negative financial
impact on some of our employees due to the subsequent
drop in their earnings.
An integral element in responsible business practices is
to support each employee in expressing their opinion,
developing their competences and striving to succeed.
At ourThai crafting facilities, we have clear and transparent
processes and procedures to encourage and enable our col-
leagues to raise suggestions, air ideas, voice opinions and
register complaints.We have regular and frequent forums
for our colleagues to inform, be informed anddiscussmat-
ters directlywithmanagers anddirectors.We value highly
the contribution such forumsmake to our business perfor-
mance and to employee satisfaction anddevelopment. In
addition, on eachfloor of eachbuilding at ourThai entities,
we have located confidential suggestion/complaint boxes
wherein comments or grievances can be addresseddirectly
toourManagingDirector, theVice President of HR or the
Employee representatives on our SHE andWelfare
committees and subcommittees are elected by and among
all employees, andwe are very proactive in ensuring that
staff representatives are providedwith the time, training,
equipment, facilities and freedom to fulfil their important
roles. InApril 2011, we launchedRadio PANDORA broad-
casting five days aweek, providing news, company and de-
partmental updates andmusical entertainment throughout
all ourThai crafting facilities, with “DJ” duties performed by
employee teams voted for by their listeners.