PANDORA CSR Report 2011 - page 18

In 2011, PANDORA sold 50millionpieces of jewellery in
more than 65 countries. PANDORA currently owns and
operatesmore than100 stores and our jewellery is sold at
more than 10,000 stores around theworld of which the vast
majority are independent retailers. PANDORA’s overarching
CSRPolicy instructs us to constantlydevelopour responsible
business practices in our own operations and to use our
position to influence and encourage our business partners
to do the same.
Within responsible trading, our 2011 PANDORA Ethics
activities have primarily been focusing around imple-
menting our Business Ethics Policy on a global scale.The
purpose of this policy is to ensure that PANDORA staff do
not adopt corrupt practices or become complicit in corrupt
practices through agents and other business partners.
In certain countries, corruption is endemic and rep-
resents a challenge to all responsible companies. In order
to prevent andmitigate such corrupt practices, we issued
aGroupBusiness Ethics Policy inApril 2011, defining a
zero tolerance towards bribery, extortion and facilitation
payments for all staff and agents. The policy also provides
strict guidance regarding fair competition, conflictsof inter-
est aswell as the provision and acceptance of hospitality,
entertainment and gifts. Finally, employees are encouraged
to raise concerns if they find that our policies are being
breached. As a last resort, our staff can use our anonymous
whistle blower function. In 2011, we carried out a business
ethics risk assessment that resulted in face-to-face training
of the 100 staff members representing the business units
most likely to be confrontedwith corrupt practices. During
spring 2012, wewill continue these tailored training ses-
sions supported by a general e-learningmodule allowing
all staff to familiarise themselves and complywith all our
CSR policies.
In2011, we dedicated substantial resources to ensuring safe
and healthyworking conditions at our owned andoperated
retail stores. As part of this endeavour, wework system-
aticallywith employee satisfaction surveys and Personal
Development Reviews. PANDORA continues to have a low
rate of accidents.Thus, themore than 5,000peoplemak-
ing up the PANDORAGroup lost 408working days due to
work related accidents.Wewill continue our endeavour to
minimize the number of accidents in the years to come.
In2011, we initiated a project that will lower the en-
ergy consumption for store lightning at new stores across
theworld.Thiswill also result in considerable cuts in air
conditioning in the stores. In2012, PANDORAwill work
to establish clear energy saving KPIs for our points of sale
aswell as for our jewellery production facilities inThailand.
PANDORA is dedicated to continuously improve the quali-
fications of the staff inour own stores aswell as staff at our
businesspartners sellingour jewellery.During2011PANDORA’s
35 in-house trainers delivered face-to-face trainings for
more than13,500 participants.
The second key feature inour training academy is the
PANDORAOnlineDirectory (POD).Through this e-learning
system, we ensure that our sales associates are constantly in-
formed and trained in regards toPANDORAhistory, culture,
values aswell as sales andproduct standards. Following a
major update inof the POD in June 2011, the almost 16,000
users had completedmore than80,000 trainingmodules by
end2011.To increase the competences andproduct knowl-
edge of sales staff and to enhance compliancewithbusiness
standards, includingCSR, we have integrated the POD train-
ingwithother learning opportunities such as face-to-face
training and train-the-trainer programmes.
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