PANDORA CSR Report 2011 - page 16

PANDORAacknowledges that our contribution to theThai
economy is accompaniedby theconsumptionof natural
resources andother environmental challenges.Apart from
the sourced rawmaterials, the crafting of our jewellery
mainly requireswater and energy. At ourThai facilities,
energy ismainly used inourmodern casting equipment
and for running air conditioning in the facilities that house
jewellery crafting aswell as administrativeoffices.Thus, ap-
proximately85%of thebuildings at our crafting facilities are
air-conditioned.Altogether, PANDORAThailand consumed
12,721,500KWH in2011. Furthermore, the jewellery craft-
ingprocesses required74 tonnes of liquidpetroleum gasses.
Our environmental impact is also influencedbyour
waste andwaste treatment procedures.Wedivideour in-
dustrialwaste into four categories; hazardouswaste, general
waste, recyclablewaste and refinedwaste.Whendisposing
of hazardouswaste,we engagewith certified vendorswho
manage thewaste in accordancewithThai law. Finally, in
2011we consumed165,236 cubicmetres ofwater.Thedis-
posureofwastewater is subject tocontrol by local authorities,
auditedby external experts, and handled by a joint waste
water treatment facilitymanaged by the industrial estate.
OurThai jewellerycrafting facilities arealreadycertified to
the ISO9001quality standard. In2011,we started to further
systematiseand strengthenour SHEcapabilities.During2012,
this process is intended to result in theacquirement of the
OHSAS18001certificateonoccupational healthand safety
aswell as the ISO14001certificateonenvironmentalman-
agement. By these international standards aswell as theRJC
certificationon responsiblebusiness practices,we strive tode-
velopabest practicemodel for responsible jewellerycrafting.
SeveralThai regionswere impactedby severe andprolonged
flooding in the last quarter of 2011.Althoughour own facili-
tieswerenot directly impacted, PANDORAwas proactive in
providing assistance to the affected communities by sponsor-
ing teams of doctors andnurses providingmedical support
and supplies in situ, and alsobyprovidingfinancial help to
the families of employees and a small number of employees
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