One such example is our cooperationwith theGemo-
logical InstituteofAmerica (GIA), a leading authoritywithin
the jewellery industry. In2011, 135PANDORA staffmembers
gainedprofound jewellery knowledge andunderstand-
ing throughGIA courses, enabling them toprovide thebest
possible service andproduct disclosure toour customers.
These employees arenow “GIAAccredited JewelleryProfes-
sionals”. Furthermore, 700PANDORA storemanagerswere
enrolled in a specialised jewellery fundamentals POD course
aswell as a train-the-trainermodule. Furthermore, 700
PANDORA storemanagerswere enrolled in a specialised
GIA jewellery fundamentals e-learning coursewhich also in-
cluded trainingmaterials for them tousewith their own staff.
InOctober 2011, PANDORAAustraliawon the “Em-
ployer of ChoiceAward”, anAustralianHRAward for excel-
lence inpeoplemanagement. Here, the PODwasmen-
tioned as one of PANDORA’s key achievements alongside
PANDORAAustralia’s reward and recognitionprogramme
for retail staff and theGEM program (Growing Exceptional
Managers) targeting existing andpotential peoplemanagers.
PANDORA remains committed to support charitable courses.
Again in2011we have globally supported the cause and
most of PANDORA’smarket joined forces in the support
of the Breast CancerAssociation.This year’s collection
featuredbeautiful charms and pendants that raised a total
donation sum of 10,9millionDanish kroner.
While continuouslyworking to alignour donations, in
2011 individual markets continued to support relevant local
initiatives such asDenmark’s Collects 2011dedicated youth
inAfrica and support for local communities affected by the
2011Bangkok flooding described above.