PANDORA CSR Report 2010 - page 11

PANDORA benefits from the enthusiasm and skills of
more than 5,000 employees around theworld.While
all our people and entities are equally important, we
have decided to let this first communication on our
responsible business practices pay special attention to
the crafting of our jewellery, all of which takes place
inThailand. Here, we operate in full compliancewith
Thai regulation, The International Labour Organisa-
tion’s core conventions as well as our own commit-
ment to providing soundworking conditions, attractive
employment terms and a range of social andwelfare
benefits for our more than 3,600Thai employees and
their families.
We place significant importance on ensuring a safe
working environment and continuously strive to im-
prove our performance inmaintaining and enhancing
employee health and safety and reducing our environ-
mental impact.
PANDORAProductionThailand (PPT) is committed to
providing a safe and rewarding environment for all of
our colleagues and this is affirmed inPPT’sVision and
Mission Statement:
PPToperates inmodernand safe facilitieswithinan
industrial estatenear Bangkok,whereweare subject to spe-
cific requirements and regular audits fromauthoritieswithin
Safety,Healthand theEnvironment (SHE).Weoperatewith
an integratedSHEorganisation that enables us tocontinuous-
ly strengthenand systematiseour performanceonall three
issueswithinacommon setup.All newemployees are intro-
duced to theSHEorganisationas part of PPT’s introduction
programme that ensures a thoroughandengaging introduc-
tion toPANDORAvalues andoperatingpractices relating to
quality, health, safetyand theenvironment. Further, PPThas
elaboratedayearly trainingplan that ensures that existing
staff arekept updatedon relevant SHE issues andprocedures.
PANDORA Production’s vision
To be recognized as the best amongworld class jewellery
manufacturers, continuosly and consistentiously raising our
standards of execution, development andperfection.
PANDORA Production’smission
Adisciplinedhigh-performing team of skillful, openminded
individuals, always executing for perfection anddelivering high
quality, hand finished jewellery products conscientously, cost
effectively andon time.
Providing a safe, satisfyingwork environment, where
everyone is expected and supported to express their opinion,
develop and succeed
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