PANDORA CSR Report 2012 - page 25

surveillance, registrationandcontrol programmes, so that our
consumers can remainconfident that their PANDORAprod-
ucts areauthenticand liveup toour highquality standards.
As part of our commitment toadvancing responsible
business practices,wewant tomake sure that our customers
andconsumers haveaccess to informationabout the special
features, stamps andmarkings aswell as careandmainte-
nance instructions allowing them todistinguishgenuine
PANDORA jewellery fromcounterfeits.Our store staff is
trained in these jewellerycharacteristics and their ability to
provideaccurate jewellery informationwas testedandap-
provedby thirdpartymystery shoppers as part of PANDORA’s
RJCcertification. Sinceautumn2012,wehaveprovided this
informationonour commercialwebsites aswell as on
these sites our
consumers alsohave theopportunity to report anyperceived
PANDORAbrandor product violation for our further investi-
gationaswell as access our StoreLocator,making it possible
toalways identify thenearest authorisedPANDORA retailer.
PANDORA’s Business Ethics Policy provides our staff with
common directions onwhat is considered acceptable
business practices throughout theGroup.Topics include a
zero tolerance approach to bribery and facilitation
payments, rules for fair competition, gifts and entertain-
ment, conflicts of interest, cashpayments andmeasures to
prevent PANDORAbecoming the target of people engaged
inmoney laundering andother illegal activities. Just like it
is the case for the other PANDORA Ethics policies, hotlines
are provided to help interpret the policy, staff is encouraged
to speak out if they perceive that rules are being breached
andfinally clear grievance procedures – including a
whistleblower function – is available to all staff.
Finally, in2012PANDORA became certified under the
USCustoms –Trade Partnership againstTerrorism” (C-TPAT).
This initiative addresses a broad range of security topics in
order to prevent illegal activities such asmoney launder-
ing and terrorism.The goal of C-TPAT is a systemwhereby
all participants in an international trade transaction are
approved byUSCustomAuthorities as observing specified
standards in the secure handling of goods and relevant
information throughout their supply chain.
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