PANDORA CSR Report 2012 - page 20

Lastly, we believe that providing
Clarity, building and enhancing Competence, and creating
an environment of Confidence, leads toCommitment. This
commitment, bringing the unique individual skills and tal-
ents of our team, and applying them to the collective goal
of providing outstanding products and services to our
customers, is what has helped create the PANDORA of
today andwhat will serve as our foundation for the future.
At PANDORA ProductionThailand, we are fortunate
to see evidence of our colleagues’ commitment every day
inmany and variedways; from their willingness and
eagerness to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
theway theywork, their pride in sharingwhat they do
with the hundreds of visitors who tour the factory each
year, to their desire to continuously improve themselves.
For example, inOctober 2012we opened our library
and e-learning centre, with state-of-the-art IT systems, in a
comfortable and attractive building. By the end of the year,
the library had had 8,578 unique visits and 1,869 books
had been borrowed and brought home in that period, of
which 698were business related books.
Whether it be our one-year or our four-year inter-
nal development programmes, Educational Scholarships
for Employees, educational support for the children of
employees, opportunities to participate and share ideas
and opinions, or muchmore besides, we strive to provide
practical demonstration of our commitment to our col-
leagues, and to our company, every day. In return, every
daywe see, and take great pride in, the commitment of
our crafting colleagues to helping PANDORA become the
world’smost recognised jewellery brand.
PANDORA recognises our specific responsibility to
provide safe and healthyworking conditions for our
employees engaged in the crafting of our jewellery.
Besides having itsmanagement system certified accord-
ing to theOHSAS 18001 standard, PANDORA Production
Thailand has worked systematically in 2012 to reach the
goal of eliminating accidents at our crafting facilities. At
PANDORA, we define accidents as any incident that leads
tomore than eight hours of absence.
On top of our constant efforts to improve physical
safety at our facilities, we train staff in potential dangers
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