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Responsibility for PANDORA’s internal controls and risk

management systems in relation to the financial reporting

process rests with the Board of Directors and the Executive


The purpose of PANDORA’s internal controls and risk

management systems in relation to the financial reporting

process is to ensure that the financial statements provide

a true and fair view, free from material misstatements,

and that the internal and external financial statements

are presented in accordance with International Financial

Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the EU and

additional Danish disclosure requirements for annual

reports of listed companies. While the internal controls

and risk management systems are designed and aim to

ensure that material misrepresentation of assets, losses and/

or significant errors or irregularities and omissions in the

financial reporting are avoided, they provide no absolute

assurance that all errors are detected and corrected.

Internal control and risk management systems are under

continuous development and comprise:

• control environment

• risk assessment

• control activities

• information and communication

• monitoring

Control environment

The Board of Directors has established an Audit Committee

that assists the Board of Directors in supervising the

financial reporting processes and the efficiency of

PANDORA’s internal controls and risk management

systems. The Audit Committee reviews significant risks

related to PANDORA’s business, activities and operations

as well as risks related to financial reporting. The Audit

Committee seeks to ensure that such risks are managed

proactively, efficiently and systematically.

The Executive Management is responsible for

maintaining controls and an effective risk management

system and has taken the necessary steps to address the risks

identified in relation to financial reporting.

In 2016, the Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)

function was established. The GRC function helps PANDORA

accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined

approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness

of internal controls, risk management, compliance, and

governance processes. The GRC function will assist

PANDORA’s Executive Management and the Audit Committee

in identifying, avoiding and mitigating risks.

The compositions of the Board of Directors, the Audit

Committee and the Executive Management have ensured the

availability of relevant competencies with respect to internal

controls and risk management systems in relation to the

financial reporting by implementing the GRC function.

Risk assessment

The Board of Directors and Executive Management assess

risks on an ongoing basis, including risks related to financial

reporting, and assess measures to manage or eliminate and/

or reduce the identified risk. The Audit Committee reviews

certain high-risk areas quarterly, including:

• significant accounting estimates

• material changes to accounting policies

At least once a year, the Audit Committee oversees a review

of current internal controls to determine whether they are

effective in relation to the risks identified in the financial

reporting process.

Control activities

PANDORA operates with a global Finance Management

Forum that meets three to four times a year. This forum sets

the finance strategy for the Group. In addition, PANDORA

Finance Manager conferences are held in order to discuss

the latest developments in significant accounting matters and

best practice regarding internal controls.

Controlling functions in the corporate finance function,

reporting to the Chief Financial Officer, are responsible for

controlling the financial reporting from the Parent Company

and subsidiaries, and monitoring compliance with relevant

legislation on an ongoing basis.

The Group has adopted and defined an internal control

framework that identifies key processes, inherent risks

and control procedures in order to secure appropriate

accounting processes.