PANDORA Annual Report 2014 - page 18

It’s 4.50pm inGemopolis and the streets outside
PANDORA’s crafting facilities arebuzzing. It’s shift change
time, and afleet of PANDORAbuses has just pulledup,
bringing in thousands of people fromnearbyBangkok.
Peoplefill the streets, chatting and laughing as theyhead
into the facilities to startworkor board thebuses tobe
takenhome.Welcome toGemopolis.
At our crafting facilities inThailand, love, care and
attention todetail arebestowedoneveryhand-finished
piece, bringing to lifeour design ideal of a contemporary
aesthetic fusedwith traditional artistry.Here, skilled
jewel-smiths, goldsmiths, silversmiths and stone-setters
use traditional tools and techniques to apply thefinishing
touches, turningeverypieceof PANDORA jewellery into
apieceof affordable luxury.
We are committed to retaining, training anddeveloping
our teamofmore than 7,900people inThailand and
have created an inclusiveworkingenvironmentwhere
everyone is valued, engaged andencouraged to improve.
PANDORARadio, for example,went on air in 2012 to
provideentertainment, news and training for our people
and is runby volunteer employeeDJs.
Other initiatives include thePANDORA Edutainment
Centre, ane-learning room and librarywithmore than
15 computers and 10,100books borrowed in 2014;
an EmployeeShop that sells everydayprovisions (the
stock is selectedbyour people) at prices lower than at
supermarkets and convenience stores; and a Savings
Cooperativemanagedbyour people.
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