PANDORA CSR Report 2010 - page 3

It is PANDORA’s vision “
…tobecome theworld’s
most recognised jewellery brand
” andwe strive to
accomplish this by fulfilling ourmission “
women across theworld a universeof highquality,
hand-finished,modern and genuine jewellery prod-
ucts at affordableprices
Since the beginning PANDORA has been committed to
achieve its goals through responsible business practices
in internal operations as well as in our dealings with
external stakeholders.We are proud of this heritage
and recognise that our efforts to ensure responsible
business practices are an ongoing process that will
never reach a final destination.
In 2010, we decided to further strengthen, systema-
tise, and communicate our ongoing efforts to increase
our positive – andminimise our negative – impact on
society and the environment. PANDORA’s vertically
integratedbusinessmodel provides uswith a unique op-
portunity to strengthen and systematise internal practices
from design, sourcing and crafting to themarketing and
sales of our jewellery.We are verymuch aware that the
bulk of CSR related challenges for the jewellery industry
relates tomining and sourcing of gemstones, precious
metals andothermaterials. As part of our CSR strategy,
wewill ensure that our suppliers are in strict compliance
withour own “Suppliers’ Code of Conduct” andwe
strongly support and actively engage inCSR initiatives
such as theUnitedNationsGlobal Compact and the Re-
sponsible JewelleryCouncil that seek to advance human
rights, labour rights, the environment and toprevent cor-
rupt practiceswithin the jewellery industry.
PANDORAproactively engages in dialoguewithour
stakeholders andwe are committed toparticipate in new
and innovativeways of raising the bar for responsible
business practices.Wewelcome comments toour ap-
proach and new ideas on howwe can deliver evenmore
on our commitment.
This document communicates onour progress in im-
plementing responsible business practices in the period
April 30th 2010 –April 30th 2011.
Thank you
Chief ExecutiveOfficer
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