In 2010, PANDORA decided to strengthen and sys-
tematise our existing CSR audits of suppliers. The first
step has been to develop a Suppliers’ Code of Con-
duct articulating our demands for responsible business
practices within human rights, working conditions,
environmental impact and business ethics.While ad-
hering to theUNGlobal Compact principles and the
RJCCode of Practices, our Suppliers’ Code of Conduct
also includes PANDORA specific demands as well as a
pledge to our suppliers that wewill assist them in their
efforts to complywith the Code.
During2010 and thefirstmonths of 2011, all ourmain
suppliers have signed thePANDORA Suppliers’ Codeof
Conduct and accepted that theymight be selected for
CSR audits by independent thirdparty auditors.To ensure
thorough, unbiased and comparableCSR audits of our
suppliers around theworld,wehave engagedwith a glob-
al leaderwithinCSR auditing. Following eachCSR audit,
the lead auditorwill summarise thefindings in an audit
report, and in cases of non-compliances the lead auditor
will alsodraft aCorrectiveActionPlan (CAP)which the
suppliermust implementwithin a realistic timeframe. In
such caseswenominate aPANDORA employee respon-
sible for coordinatingwith the supplier to support the
implementationof theCAP. By the endofApril 2011, the
first two suppliers havebeen audited and thenext eight
audits are scheduledwithin thenext sixmonths.Thefirst
two audits did reveal non-compliances and as a conse-
quenceCAPs havebeendeveloped to restore compliance.
We find it encouraging that the Code of Conduct
and related audits have already resulted in fruitful
discussions with our supply chain and in concrete
actions raising the CSR knowledge and performance
of our supply base. Going forward, wewish to further
develop this important channel for delivering on our
commitment to advance socially as well as environ-
mentally friendly technologies.
In2003 governments, the diamond industry and the civil
society joined forces to launch the Kimberley Process
Certification Scheme to prevent conflict diamonds from
entering the diamond supply chain. PANDORA ensures
full compliancewith the Kimberley Process by demand-
ingwarranties fromour suppliers that their diamonds are
sourced correctly according to the Kimberley Process.