important roles. InApril 2011, we launched Radio
PANDORA that providesmusic entertainment and
serves as an additional channel for communicating
to all PPT employees.
PANDORA acknowledges that our contribution to the
Thai economy is accompaniedby the consumptionof nat-
ural resources andother environmental challenges.Apart
from the sourced rawmaterials, the craftingof our jewel-
lery requireswater and energy.At PPT, energy ismainly
used inourmodern casting equipment and for running air
condition for the facilities that houses jewellery crafting as
well as administrativeoffices.Thus, approximately85%
of thebuildings at PPT are air conditioned.Unfortunately,
wehavenot been able toprovide creditablefigures that
fullydistinguish thewater and electricity consumed in the
manufacturingprocess fromwhat has beenused in the
constructionof new facilities. It is our intention to report
onwater and energy consumption from2011.
A second environmental impact has to dowithour
waste andwaste treatment. At PPT, we divide our indus-
trial waste into four categories; hazardouswaste, general
waste, recyclablewaste and refinedwaste.When dispos-
ing of hazardouswaste, we engagewith certified ven-
dors that manage thewaste in accordancewithThai law.
Our disposure of wastewater is subject to strict control
from authorities andhandledby a joint wastewater
treatment facilitymanagedby the industrial estate.
Today, PPT is certified according to the ISO 9001
Quality standard. InMarch 2011, we launched a
process that during 2011will further systematise and
strengthen our SHE performance and result in PPT ac-
quiring theOHSAS 18001 certificate on occupational
health and safety as well as the ISO 14001 certificate
on environmental management no later thanMarch
2012. By building on PANDORA’s values, achieving
the abovementioned certificates as well as the RJC
certificate on responsible business practices, we strive
to introduce a best practice system for responsible jew-