PANDORA CSR Report 2010 - page 17

PANDORA’s dedication tobusiness integrity goes far
beyondmerely adhering tonational and international
laws and conventions.Our journey towards becom-
ing a leading jewellerybrandhas beenbasedon a
solid foundationof trust and integrity –both internally
among thepeople thatmakeup thePANDORAorgan-
isation andexternally inour interactionwith custom-
ers, business partners andother stakeholders.
Building amultinational companywithin a short period
of time is only feasible if all employees share the same
values and act accordingly.At PANDORA, we have re-
cently developed and are currently implementing a set of
PANDORA group values basedon the original business
understanding definedby our “founding fathers”.We
call it PANDORA Life.The global roll-out has already
been launched at ourHeadOffice inCopenhagen and in
our Central and Eastern Europe organization, while the
remaining entitieswill be introduced to the values during
2011.The values are an important part of our company
DNA andwill be integrated inourmanagement system.
We expect to reportmore on these values externally
oncewe have completed the roll-out later in2011.
As one of the employeeswith longest seniority
at PANDORA, I have experiencedwhat canbe
achieved through integrity and cooperation...
if youbelieve inwhat youdo. Starting upmore
than 10 years ago,we really did not knowwhat
wewere about to achieve. But we just did it,
without considering the limits to our endeavor.
We did it with the hearth and as a team. I am
confident, that this spirit will enable us to ac-
complishour aspiration of becoming themost
loved jewellery brand in theworld, as long as
we remember that nobody is indispensible and
that this is somethingwemust do together”.
Lone Frandsen, Designer, employed since 1987
PANDORAOnlineDirectory (POD) is the key host of
ourTrainingAcademy. From the global introduction of
the POD inApril 2010until endof the year, more than
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