13,000 active users signed on for the POD and finalised
more than 61,000modules inmultiple local languages.
Throughour web-based e-Learning system and
classroom sessions, PANDORA ensures that sales as-
sociates are constantly informed and trained in regards
to our history, culture and values, aswell as sales- and
product standards.With the launch of POD 2.0 in June
this year, we expect that by the endof 2011, wewill
have reached approximately 30,000 internal and exter-
nal sales associates inmore than 10,000 stores around
To increase the competences and product knowl-
edge of our sales representatives, and to enhance com-
pliancewith our business standards, wewill integrate
POD trainingswithother learning opportunities such as
face-to-face training and train-the-trainer programs.
One such example is our cooperationwith theGem-
ological Institute of America (GIA), a leading authority
within the jewellery Industry. A key objective in 2011
will be to provide our sales staff withprofound jewel-
lery knowledge and understanding inorder to provide
the best possible service and product disclosure toour
customers.Together withGIA, wewill be educating 135
PANDORA employees to the level of “GIAAccredited
Jewellery Professionals”. Furthermore, 400-500PANDO-
RA storemanagerswill finalise a jewellery fundamentals
e-Learning course aswell as a train-the-trainermodule
enabling them to train 3,500PANDORA sales associates
in a specialisedGIA/PANDORA trainingmodule.
In 2011, the CSRCommittee and PANDORA’s Global
Management Team have developed aGlobal Busi-
ness Ethics Policy. Entering into effect inApril 2011,
the Business Ethics Policy gathers existing norms and
guidelines onwhat we consider to be proper busi-
ness conduct. The policy reaffirms that PANDORA “…
believes in fair competition andwe are dedicated to
working against corrupt practices in own operations
as well as in the societies inwhichwe operate” and it
provides guidance on issues such as:
• Fair competition
• Corrupt practices andbribery – including a
prohibition of facilitationpayments.
• Rules for gifts, entertainment or any other
• Conflicts of interest.
• Money laundering and financing of terrorism.