PANDORA CSR Report 2010 - page 19

The policy encourages staff to approach our global
hotline designed to support employees in implementing
the Business Ethics Policy. Further, staff is encouraged
to raise any concerns about compliancewith law and
company policies within the chain of command and
we explicitly prohibit retaliation against any staff rais-
ing concerns in good faith. As a last resort, concerned
staff will be able to approach PANDORA’s whistleblow-
er function and through this report directly to theAudit
Committee under PANDORA’s Board of Directors.
InApril 2011, theGlobalManagementTeamwas
the first groupof employees to receive compulsory train-
ing in the Business Ethics Policy. Based on their feedback
we plan to develop face-to-face training and specialised
modules on the POD.
The aimof good corporate governance is to ensure that
PANDORAmeets its obligations to shareholders, cus-
tomers, consumers, employees, authorities and other key
stakeholders to the best of our ability in order tomaxim-
ise long-term value creation.
The Boardof Directors has adopted a set of corporate
governance principles, which are laid down in the cor-
porate governance policy. PANDORA intends to exercise
good corporate governance at all times and to complywith
the corporate governance recommendations of theDanish
Committee onCorporateGovernance issued inApril 2010
(the “recommendations”).
Accordingly, PANDORA has adopted the “comply or
explain” principle to our communicationof corporate gov-
ernance practices. Accessmore information on our corpo-
rate governance approach on
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