PANDORA CSR Report 2012 - page 21

associatedwith their dailywork and seek to build a
general safety awareness, identification and reporting
culture and have established systems and procedures to
support such a culture. All accidents and near-misses –
incidents that could potentially evolve into an accident –
are carefully recorded and analysed on a range parameters
in order to identify specific dangerous “hot spots” in the
crafting process.
In 2012, PANDORA ProductionThailandmanaged
to reduce the numbers of accidents among our 4,124
employees from five in 2011 to three, resulting in a total
absence of 32 days comparedwith 37 days lost in 2011.
While any accident is one toomany, this is a remarkably
low number comparedwith any industrial sector in any
country around theworld.
PANDORA’s group environment policy instructs us to
“…work tominimise the environmental footprint of our
own operations by seeking newways to reduce our
consumption of resources, our emissions and our waste”.
In 2012, total CO
emissions at our ISO 14001 certified
crafting facilities inThailand amounted to 13,913 tonnes
equivalents. More than 92% of these emissions are the
result of electricity consumption from our modern jewellery
casting equipment and the fact that 85% of our buildings are
air conditioned for the benefit of our staff. 6% of total CO
emissions originate from our own bus services that provide
safe and energy efficient transportation to and from our
production facilities for 2,000 staff members residing in
the greater Bangkok area. The last stop on the longest of
altogether 46 routes is located some 28 kilometers from
PANDORA ProductionThailand.
While air conditioning and bus services are responsi-
ble for a substantial part of our CO
emissions, they are staff
benefits that we are not prepared to abolish. Therefore, our
efforts tominimise our carbon footprint rely on our
ability to raise the effectiveness of our consumption. The
most significant technical improvement in 2012 has been
the introduction of a new industrial cooling pad system that
has optimised our air conditioning and allowed us to reduce
our 2012CO
emissions with 570 tonnes or 4% of total CO
emissions. Further, a range of minor initiatives has been
launched during 2012with the dual purpose of reducing
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