PANDORA CSR Report 2012 - page 24

PANDORA jewellery is sold inmore than70 countries on
six continents through approximately 10,000 points of sale,
includingmore than 900 concept stores.
As already indicated in the sourcing and crafting chapters,
we acknowledge our responsibility to train and develop
the skills of staff andpartnerswho are part of PANDORA’s
value chain.We alsobelieve that learning opportunities are
essential in attracting, developing and retaining excellent
sales staff and thereby secure the best possible experience
and purchase for our consumers.This is important for us
as a company, since themain contact between PANDORA
and our consumers is established and nurtured by themore
than 30,000people passionately engaged in selling our
genuine jewellery. Ultimately, each sale comes down to a
conversation between a consumer and a PANDORA sales
person andwewant this interaction to be as perfect as pos-
sible.Therefore, wework dedicatedly to upgrade the
skills and competencies of the sales staff in PANDORA’s
own stores aswell as in themore than 10,000points of
sale operatedby our partners. PANDORAprovide extensive
trainings programmes that introduce store staff to
PANDORA and toour brand, builds product expertise, and
teaches professional selling skills and psychology.
PANDORA’sGroupTraining department at the
Copenhagen headquarters is overall responsible for devel-
oping our training programmewhich is being implemented
by our 45 in-house trainers operating inmore than 65
markets. Face-to-face training is supported by our compre-
hensive e-learning programme available in 19 languages,
whichhasmore than 16,000 active users. In 2012 alone,
the number of online training sessions completed amounted
tomore than 105,000. Finally, in 2012 PANDORA started
the development of formal learning paths for store staff to
follow over the course of typically three to sixmonths.
Recognising the key rolemanagement plays in shaping
a responsible,wholehearted andprofitable company,
PANDORAhas established internalmanagement
programmes basedonour three core values, pride, passion you can
readmore about these values that alsomakeup theplatform
onwhichwehavebuilt our CSR strategy.
In 2012, we launched PANDORA Life Leadership, a
group-wide leadership programme primarily targeting vice
presidents.The programme aims to develop the participants
mastery of various leadership levels and styles, increase
retail understanding and support group-wide coherence and
networks. Oneway of achieving this is by having groups of
participants solve real business cases of strategic
importance to the company. In2012, two out of four va-
cant topmanagement positionswere recruited among Life
Leadership participants. Also in2012, a similar leadership
programme, Passion in Leadership,was launchedmainly for
directors andmanagers across the group.A vital part of both
programmes are360-degree evaluations of theparticipants
by their ownmanagement, peers, partners and employees.
Asaglobal brand, PANDORA is facing thechallengeof
counterfeitersattempting toviolateourbrand, ourproductsand
our identity. Fakeand illegal productsdonot follow the same
standardsand laws thatwedowithinhumanand labour rights,
environmental footprint andneedless to say; fair andhonest
businesspractices.Counterfeitersundermine responsible
businesspractices, consumer confidence in the jewellery
industryand jeopardise thehealthof consumersbydishonestly
marketingquestionablemetal alloysasgenuine silver andgold
jewellery.Therefore,we safeguardour intellectual property
rights byall availablemeans, includingcomprehensiveglobal
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