Last year, we reported awaste generation of 3,558
tonnes from our crafting facilities. Despite the increase in
pieces produced, we have been able to reduce our waste
generation to 2,954 tonnes in2013.There are twomain
reasons for this decrease.The first has to dowith the fact
that our waste generation at PPTwas extraordinarily high
in2012 aswe finalised the construction of new facilities.
Second, our wastemanagement proceduresmeasurably
improved in 2013. Our crafting processes require
considerable quantities of rubber formoulds, gypsum for
casting and glass for ourMurano charms.Working closely
with researchers fromMahidol University, we achieved
very promising results for these threematerials during
2013. Now, 46% of the gypsum that previously ended up
as landfill is recycled in the construction sector, 45% of
theMurano glass is used for producing glass tiles and
29% of our rubber waste is used as fuel by the cement
industry. Having identified these possible recipients of our
mainwaste categories, we expect to further raise recycling
rates in the years to come.
Finally, as previouslymentioned, we offer our PPT col-
leagues safe bus transport to and fromwork, which in2013
totalledmore than 19,000 trips and a staggering 714,000
km. By year-end, more than 4,400 people regularlymade
use of this offering. Bus companies delivering this service
are subject to regular control by government agencies and
our in-house SHE teams.Workingwith external experts, we
have estimated the 2013 diesel fuel consumption from this
bus services to be 300,000 litres.With50passengers per
bus, this option is highly energy-efficient comparedwith
other feasiblemeans of transportation.
PANDORA jewellery is presently sold at approximately
10,300 stores around theworld, of which206 stores are
owned andoperated by PANDORA.The remaining stores
are operated by our retail partners, significantly reducing
our ability tomeasure and control energy consumption
at the store level.The PANDORACSRReport 2011
mentioned that, as part of the development of our new
in-store furniture concept, wewould also seek to lower
energy consumption.This development phase is now
concluded andwe expect to commence the global rollout
of our new store concept fromQ2 2014.While the existing
concept relies on conventional light bulbs, our new store
concept relies to a greater extent on LED lights. According
to our in-house estimates, this changewill enable us to cut
up to 50% of our electricity consumption on average in
PANDORA concept stores.This considerable reduction
will come from fixtures, furniture and ceilings andwill
help reduce the need for air conditioning in stores.
TheUnitedNations Environment Programme (UNEP)
estimates that between 90 and 100% of all silver and
gold used in jewellerywill be recycled after use. No other
metals or industries canmuster suchhigh recycling rates,
andwe truly believe that this shouldbe consideredwhen
estimating the environmental impact of the jewellery
industry. At PANDORA, we have systems inplace to remelt
our discontinued silver and goldproducts. Diamonds and
valuable gemstones are dismounted and saved for later use.
All PANDORAwood charms are certifiedby the Forest
StewardshipCouncil (FSC), andwe continuously seek to
expand our range of paper- andwood-basedmaterials
certified according to international standards. Across all
markets, all PANDORApaper bags are certified sustainable,
and in 2013we continued our efforts to introduce certified
sustainable paper inprinted brochures and jewellery boxes
Recycle Totalwaste %Recycled
Silicone rubber
Murano glass