On our journey towards fulfilling our visionof becoming
“Theworld’smost recognised jewellery brand,”we chart
our responsible business practices according to our com-
mitments to our people, our product and our planet. Here,
in PANDORA’s fourth annual progress report on corporate
social responsibility, we share our efforts to provide a great
environment for our PEOPLE, to develop andmanufacture
our PRODUCTwith integrity and, finally, to take actions to
minimize our environmental impact on the PLANET.
Following a resetting of our business, 2013 saw the
launch of a number of new initiatives.These included the
strengthening of our focus on product innovation and the
implementationof a new go-to-market strategy, including
our first full year of seven product drops instead of the
previous two drops per year.
We continued expansion in our core and newmarkets
and some of our emergingmarkets such as Italy, France
andRussia, saw significant progress during the year.The
entire organisation, and not least our production facili-
ties, responded fantastically to this growth in demand and
increased production from 54millionpieces of jewellery in
2012 to a record-breaking 79million in2013, and paved
theway for record revenue of DKK 9.0 billion.
The scale, scope and pace of the changeswe
encountered in 2013 emphasise the importance of
integrating responsible business practices intodaily
Only by integrating quality, ethics and continuous
improvements into our procurement strategy havewe
been able to considerably upscale our purchase volume
without compromising our values. Only by offering a safe
working environment, developing jobopportunities and
competitive compensation and benefits packages havewe
been able to recruit and successfully integrate 2,000new
colleagues at our crafting facilities inThailand. Andfinally,
only by developing the skills and retail competences and
maximizing the potential of our colleagues inour stores
havewe been able todeliver an excellent customer
Aswe continue progressing towards the highest
standard of responsible and effective business practices,
wewarmlywelcome any comments or ideas that may
assist us along theway.
Allan Leighton
President &Chief ExecutiveOfficer