At PANDORA, the importance of our products is equalled
only by the importance of our people.While this statement
may apply tomany companies, at PANDORAwe actively
strive to attract and retain a highly talented, passionate,
diversified and confident pride of people capable of
operating and renewing our integrated value chain.
This understanding is clearly reflected in our company
can be further explored onour corporatewebsite:
PANDORA constantlyworks to improve our people
performance. In this year’s report, wewish to share some
information onhowwe strive to achieve this throughout our
company, and then shift focus toourmain challenges and
achievements at our crafting facilities inThailand.
Employment and promotions at PANDORAmust always
rest onmerits.We are deeply committed toworking
against any form of discrimination and remain especially
committed to ensuring gender diversity in ourmanagement
positions.Whilewe have an evenproportion of male and
female employees andmanagers, this is not yet the case for
seniormanagement (Executive Board, GeneralManagers
andVice Presidents).To counter this challenge, PANDORA
has initiated a range of initiatives that shall help us improve
our performance.
In 2013, women accounted for 25% of themembers
of the Boardof Directors.To ensure gender diversity,
PANDORAhasmade the commitment that by 2015, no
gender should account for less than 35% of our board
members.Moreover, by no later than 2020, the gender
split in seniormanagement positions should be at least
40% for either gender (Executive Board, GeneralManagers
andVice Presidents). By the endof 2013, 31% of senior
management werewomen, up from26% in2012 and24%
in the year prior.
Wewill strive to ensure that the number of participants
in the company’s leadership programmesmirror the gender
composition in the group’smanagement positions. On
January 1, 2013women accounted for 50%of allVice
Presidents, Directors andManagers andmade up 57%
of the same groups’ enrolment inPANDORA’s 2013
Leadership Programmes. Please findmore statistics on our
group-wide gender, management and age composition
in the data annex.
PANDORA offers extensive training programmes to the
35,000 people engaged in selling PANDORA jewellery in
approximately 10,300 stores around theworld.Training
content spans from PANDORA-specific knowledge, through