In 2015PANDORA engaged in a heavy expansionof
PANDORA owned and operated concept stores in the
Germanmarket, opening 77 new stores over a period
of a year. Besides getting the shops up and runningwith
PANDORA store design and correct jewellery stock, we
also hired and onboarded 450 new colleagues over a
periodof 35weeks.
“We had 1½months to build an effective, fun and
comprehensive training set-up for all new employees - from
storemanagers topart-time shop assistants;making our new
colleagues happy and confident store associates, ready to
support our values and to sell the PANDORAway; teaching
them all about PANDORA’s jewellery, brand and selling
techniques,” saysHayderAhl, Head ofTraining and Event,
CentralWestern Europe.
Anew training centre, including two fully-equipped
PANDORA stores, was built at our facility inHamburg.
Training consisted of oneweek at the training centre,
followedby aweek of on-the-job training in dedicated
stores, andfinally back for the last week inHamburgwith
feedback and recap. Focusing onPANDORA Ethics all
new colleagues received a copy of our Code of Ethics and
completed theCode of Ethics e-learningmodule.
Evaluations have beenpromising, revealing a very high
satisfaction rate from our new store associates.Which
in turn has resulted in the planning of a similar range of
training sessions for ourmore experienced sales associates
- to align the level of professionalism and knowledgewithin
our Germanorganisation.