In2015, PANDORAProductionThailand (PPT) launched
amobile application for internal HR services and
communicationpurposes.The appprovides an efficient
and easy tool that enablesmore than11,150 colleagues
(including thosewithout access to a PCnetwork) to interact
with the company. By downloading the PANDORA Self-
ServiceApp, everyone has themeans to easily access and
checkworking hours, overtime history, available holidays,
news andoffers from the employee shopdirectly from their
InThailand, it is common tochange telephonenumbers
frequently,which represents achallenge for ourHR services.
Now, newnumbers canbe reportedandverifieddirectly in
theapp; somethingwhich significantly reduces theworkload
of handling thousands of telephonenumbers. PANDORAalso
provides internet access on its premises to support theapp.
“Wewanted to see if therewas potential in amobile
application to support the business in a new, efficient and
innovativeway,” explainsMikkel Lysgaard, ProjectManager
on the PPT app.
“The idea escalatedquickly as an app like this not
only engages employees, but also supportsmany business
processes and efficiently reduces administrativework,”
states ChamroonThongon,Vice President HR,Thailand.
In total, around10,600 users is expected to be active
by February 2016. One of the ideas being considered for
anupdated version is a bus function, whichwill provide a
quick and easyway for employees to book seats on the 120
daily buses provided by PANDORA to transport our people
to and fromwork.