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At PANDORA, responsible business practices begin in the

design phase with the choice of materials and continue

through ethical sourcing, procurement and crafting. Since

2013, CSR compliance has been one of the five pillars

of our Group Procurement strategy. When entering into

a contractual agreement with PANDORA, suppliers sign

our Suppliers' Code of Conduct, which includes business

integrity, human rights and environmental issues.

To ensure compliance with the code, we established a

comprehensive Responsible Supplier Programme in 2011,

which includes screening and risk assessment, training and

dialogue, supplier audits, and ensures timely follow-up

whenever non-compliances are identified. More details

about the efforts and results of PANDORA’s Responsible

Supplier Programme can be found at

www.pandoragroup. com/csr



As a global organisation, our activities impact the lives of

thousands of people around the world, and we believe that

we have a responsibility to proactively advance human

rights. Our Human Rights Policy specifically instructs

us to never engage in, solicit or accept child labour or

forced labour in any form; we recognise and respect

the right to freedom of movement, the right to associate

and the right to enter into collective bargaining; we

prohibit discrimination or any other unsuitable behaviour

that might impair the dignity of our employees and the

communities in which we operate; we provide employment

and development opportunities for staff through fair and

objective performance criteria; and we respond openly and

transparently to perceived human rights violations.

Potential adverse human rights impacts within the

jewellery supply chain are predominantly associated

with mining. We minimise this risk by sourcing recycled

gold grains (86%) and recycled silver grains (91%) and by

predominantly using man-made stones. All the gold, silver

and diamonds that we use can be traced back to certified

responsible suppliers. Human rights risks at all additional

goods and service providers are covered by our Responsible

Supplier Programme.


We offer training to all our employees – as well as shop

associates in non-PANDORA owned points-of-sale –

through a global network of dedicated full-time PANDORA

trainers and our comprehensive in-house e-learning

platform. All PANDORA shop associates and office team

members can access online training on a range of topics,

from general sales techniques to visual merchandising,

specific jewellery collections and not least the PANDORA

Ethics Programme.

We have specific training courses for production staff in

Thailand that span technical skills, safety, health, business

continuity, the environment, leadership and life skills.

Different departments conduct the training, using a number

of training methods and supported by communication

channels such as PANDORA Production TV and PANDORA



The vast majority of our jewellery is crafted at our own

facilities in Thailand. At PANDORA Production Thailand

(PPT), all people-related activities must aim at maintaining

a working environment in which everyone has clarity about

their role, the competence to fulfil their tasks, and the

confidence to raise concerns and share ideas.

The Employee Welfare Committee is responsible for

coordinating employee interests related to a) compensation

and benefits, b) employee relations and c) social activities.

The committee consists of 15 members, elected by their


PANDORA is a member of the United

Nations (UN) Global Compact, and the entire

PANDORA Group is certified according to

the provisions of the Responsible Jewellery

Council’s (RJC) Code of Practices, which

includes the UN Guiding Principles on

Business and Human Rights.

As a member of the RJC Executive

Committee and elected Industry Chair of

the multi-stakeholder RJC Standards Setting

Committee (consisting of leading jewellery

brands, independent experts and relevant

civil society organisations), we are working to

create shared value, conduct supply chain risk

assessments, and develop and advance ethical

standards in the jewellery supply chain.

PANDORA is also a member of the Danish

Business Network for Human Rights and holds

a seat on the steering committee. We invest

considerable resources in all of the above

initiatives in order to share efforts and lessons

learnt with our peers and thereby help promote

ethical business conduct.