PANDORA CSR Report 2012 - page 9

Ethics videos aswell as group-wide distribution of
our 2011CSRReport andPANDORA Ethics leaflets,
posters and a range of minor gimmicks
At PANDORAProductionThailand, themajorityof our
4,124colleagues aredirectly involved in the jewellery
craftingprocesses.Toensure that essential PANDORA
Ethics information reachall staff at our production facili-
ties,weuseour in-house radioandTV stations designed
todeliver entertainment aswell as companynews
To ensure group-wide compliancewith PANDORA Ethics,
we have assigned responsibilities tomanagement at our
production facilities and in ourmarkets:
Our bespoke PANDORAComplianceTool requires
markets to regularly report their level of compliance
withour PANDORA Ethics policies andmore than
100 key performance indicators defined in the
Responsible JewelleryCouncil’s Code of Practices
All marketsmust confirm compliancewith
PANDORA’s Business Ethics Policy twice a year
ThePANDORAEthicscampaign reachedavitalmilestone in
August 2012,when the full PANDORAGroupwascertifiedby
theResponsible JewelleryCouncil (RJC), themost ambitious
CSR initiativewithin the jewellery industry.Thecertificationwas
granted followinga rangeof announcedaswell asunannounced
auditscarriedout by independentRJCaccreditedconsultants
visitingourheadoffice, our jewellerycrafting facilitiesaswell
as selected regional officesandPANDORA storesaround the
world.Recognising that our companyandour ethical aspira-
tionsconstantlyevolvewewill continue thecampaign in2013
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